
Resisting Violence A Seminar on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

  • 25 novembre, 2020

I testi di Serena Dandini arrivano agli antipodi. In Australia a Sidney in occasione della Giornata Internazionale contro la Violenza di Genere si terrà un reading all’interno dell’evento accademico organizzato dalla Prof. Giorgia Alù.

Schermata 2020-11-25 alle 11.12.23

Guest speakers:

Louise Edwards

(The University of New South Wales)

Domestic Violence and Women in China – Activism and the One-Party State

Jess Hill

(Journalist and Author)

Dignity and Resistance

Selda Dagistanli

(Western Sydney University)

Responsibility, Bad Faith and Habitus in (Racialised) Gender Violence

Fernanda Peñalosa

(The University of Sydney)

I don’t want them to give me a hand, I want them to take their hands off me

Sally Hill

(Victoria University of Wellington)

A Violent Containment: Women with Mental Disorder Diagnoses in Italian Photography and Films


Extracts from Ferite a morte/Sisters Don’t Sleep by Serena Dandini.

Reading by Olivia Brown, Luciana d’Arcangeli and Claire Kennedy.



Dr Susan Heward-Belle (Sydney School of Education and Social Work and Research Centre for Children and Families, The University of Sydney); Nicole Fidalgo (The University of Sydney); Prof Bernadette Luciano (The University of Auckland); Dr Shima Shahbazi (The University of Sydney); Dr Pan Wang (The University of New South Wales).

For registration: https://slc-events.sydney.edu.au/calendar/seminar-international-day-elimination-violence-against-women/

Organised by: ACIS-The Australasian Centre for Italian Studies, Visual and Performance Studies (VPS) Research Group. Project Indelebile/Indelible: The Representation of (In)visible Violence Against Women and their Resistance. Steering Committee: Luciana d’Arcangeli (Flinders University, South Australia), Giorgia Alù (The University of Sydney), Daniela Cavallaro (The University of Auckland, New Zealand), Sally Hill (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), Claire Kennedy (Griffith University, Queensland)

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